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 アグリーザの火付け役となったキュリエ ス・エージーは、今年4月時点で販売数1万5000枚を突破、年間販売額も140%で推移するヒット商品となっている。

AGliza, Popular String Which Eliminates Bacteria
Used for All Products of Life Treatment
Reflected the Popularity by Consumers, the Use of AGliza Increasing

From 30th of October, all products of Life Treatment Mattress series, which is one of the brands of FRANCE BED, became bacteria eliminated processing. This series is a popular brand of the company, which has been on sale since 2007. This time, the company decided to use AGliza, a string with a bacteria eliminated specification, for all sizes and grades of the series. Last year, the company chose the string for the first time as the material of CuliessAg, one of the goods of the company, and it got a good response, so the company picked up the string for its main products.

AGliza is a string with an epoch-making technology, whose fiber contains silver ion, so the mattress made from the string naturally eliminates bacteria on the fabric. A positive charge of silver ion works together with a minus charge of the surface of a cell membrane and can break the membrane of the sell . This string was created with Toyobo Co.,Ltd. , due to the opinions of consumers that they want to eliminate bacteria on the mattress but it is very difficult by their own hands.

The definition of “bacteria elimination” is “to clear bacteria”. The word “bactericidal” is contained to the category of bacteria elimination, but it is not permitted to use the term “bactericidal” for goods except medicine and quasi-drugs. Therefore, the word bacteria elimination is used for common commodity instead of the medical term. The word “antibacterial” is also used frequently, but this term means “to restrain increasing of bacteria” by making the circumstance in which it is not easy for bacteria to live. In other words, “antibacterial” does not has the specification of killing or eliminating bacteria, the effect that can be expected for the goods of “bacteria elimination” and “bactericidal”.

According to the antibacterial property testing by BOKEN Quality Evaluation Institute , on the fabric for mattress which was woven by AGliza, living 25,000 bacteria became 20 after 18 hours had passed. The decreasing ratio was 99.9%, the result showed.

As for the new “Life treatment mattress ”, the company’s unique technology is used for its spring with an excellent air permeability, whose name is “Densely and continuous spring ”, and customers can choose 2 types of hardness, “Hard” and “Medium soft”. Densely and continuous spring is not added extra processing like a wrapping for each spring, so it is highly permeable by air and very suitable for Japan, in which the temperature is high and the air is humid. The spring is woven by one steel wire, so the mattress can catch the weight of its user by the entire surface, lessening the partial sinking, and durability of the mattress is also improved.

It is often pointed out that many users can not choose the mattress of their taste from the perspective of function or hardness, just because they have to buy the mattresses of same heights when they plan to use the 2 beds next to each other. However, as for this product, users do not have to take care of the heights, and can choose mattresses among 2 types of hardness and 6 types of grade, giving priority over the comfortability when sleep.

In addition, it is also possible for users to choose optional processing by their own preferences, for instance, PRO WALL processing by which the edges of the mattress do not sink even though the users put their weight over, BREATHAIR extra with a three-dimensional structure which has an excellent air permeability, bounciness, and dispersiveness of the user’s weight, and BREATHAIR extra silky .

